Warranty terms:
- Warranty repair of equipment is performed on presentation of application full filled by the client (download Application form).
- Delivery of equipment being subject to warranty repair is carried out by the client by himself and on his account if the other is not agreed in additional written agreements.
- Equipment which is delivered for warranty change is to be full completed. It is obligatory presence of original package, passport for equipment and all additional components which are in delivery set.
- Warranty obligations are not extended to materials and parts being considered as consumed in process of operation (consumables, batteries, accumulators, lamps, safety devices and corresponding components).
Terms of discontinuation of warranty obligations
Warranty obligations can be interrupted in the following cases:
- Mismatching of serial number of equipment presenting for warranty service to serial number stated in warranty card and/or other written agreements.
- Presence of evident or hidden mechanical failures of equipment arisen by violation of rules of transportation, storage, operation or mounting.
- Failures arisen in case of equipment operation with exceeding of load limits declared by the manufacturer.
- Detection during repair discrepancy to Rules and conditions of operation qualified to equipment of the present model.
- Damage of control labels and seals (if such exists).
- Presence of foreign objects aside from their nature inside equipment housing if such possibility is not agreed in the technical documentation and operating instructions.
- Equipment failure produced by influences of force major (insect, rodent) and/or actions of third person.
- Electrical damages arisen as a result of action of powerful electromagnetic fields, for example, arisen as a result of welding operations, lightning and other factors.
- Electrical damage of units and parts of equipment relating to water and liquid ingress on them.
- Installation and starting of equipment by unskilled staff as well as using of unoriginal spare parts for repair/operation.
«No warranty case» is damage connecting with mishandling, schedule of maintenance and corrective action to construction.
Period of warranty application consideration is 14 working days.
Period of warranty repair/change is 90 days.
Warranty for all products is 12 months from the moment of realization!